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Montessori gifts & nature activities

Montessori gifts & nature activities

Montessori Nature

Montessori Nature

I’ve just discovered this amazing Montessori Nature website and wanted to share it because it’s fantastic. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of it before. Anastasia has tonnes of amazing ideas for everyone. Take a look when you have a moment because you’ll be glad you did!

Montessori Gifts

I have so many enquiries from families who want to know where to buy gifts for mums-to-be, babies and toddlers. Everything you need is right here:

Montessori Nature Activities

Sensory explorations throughout the year including art, gross motor movement activities and more:

  • Montessori nature explorations, activities and printables

Montessori Homeschooling

So many families are choosing to home school now and this is a great place to start your journey:

  • Activities, tips and techniques for Montessori homeschoolers

Where to buy Montessori equipment

This guide is full of materials, resources, explanations and toys for babies and children:

  • A guide to buying Montessori tools, materials and equipment for your home

I hope you find this site as interesting as I have. There’s still loads for me to look through and I’ve been on it for ages already! I’ll certainly be utilising these resources with the children and I know we’re going to enjoy them immensely. I’d love to hear your comments as always.