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Here are some lovely testimonials from parents after 121 home support sessions and parenting workshops. If you would like to book a consultation do give me a call or email and I’ll explain how I can help your family too!

MP: “I have been implementing some of your recommended techniques with the boys already [1 & 2 year olds] to a great success. I think your approach to kids is brilliant!”

ZAH: “Rochelle first came to help me with my two girls aged 12 and 15, four months ago. I was amazed at how well she connected and communicated with my girls. They felt safe in Rochelle’s company, listened to, seen, and valued very much. I see their self esteem rising each time she sees them. We have had Rochelle over every two weeks, sometimes weekly, because her help has been so valuable and helped us make so many positive changes to our family.  She has helped with: me seeing myself as a good mum and doing the best for my children. My partner and I growing up, being the adults, taking charge, supporting our children, and meeting their needs. Helped me change from pushy mum to confident, compassionate, supportive mum. Helped me to gain structure and control over my life, therefore I have been able to model the same for my girls. Helped me to strengthen the bond between my girls and I, which I feel is the purpose of my life, deep connection and bond with my children. Helped me to see that all decisions are made as a family and so we have been working on the girls basic needs of sleeping, eating, rest, exercise, love, self confidence self esteem, and safety.  Words cannot express my gratitude for Rochelle, and her wealth of knowledge, her kindness, compassion, great sense of humour, her down to earth honest attitude, and her ability to say it how it is with no mincing around. If you would like help with any aspect of parenting then Rochelle is your woman.”

KK: “I can’t thank you enough for giving me the insight, encouragement and confidence that I needed to make changes. I was so exhausted that I lost perspective on everything. Your approach was so kind, non-judgmental and clear that I felt comfortable and confident to put your advice into practice immediately. And it’s worked! In under a month I’ve gone from breast feeding her to sleep, co-sleeping and feeding on demand during the night, to giving her a hug & sitting next to her cot bed while she drifts off! And the process wasn’t difficult or stressful for either of us… we were both ready but didn’t know how to break the cycle. Since I’ve stopped feeding and more recently, since she’s been in her own bed, I feel more rested and have more patience during the day, which is having a positive impact on her behaviour. I’m so glad I asked for your help. Your trustworthy observations, expert knowledge and empathy for mother and baby have really benefited the whole family! Thank you!”

LC: “I cannot recommend Rochelle highly enough. She is AMAZING and my daughter absolutely loves her. She has helped us with so many different stages and phases since we first went to her playgroup when A was just 1 year old. This woman is a kid version of a horse whisperer :)”

RD: “Thank you very much for all of your help. The struggle has significantly decreased! Things feel a little less intense. He’s happier, I’m happier. Cannot thank you enough, you are wonderful at what you do. Thank you again. Lots of Love.”

NL: “Rochelle has really helped us address silly concerns that cause unnecessary meltdowns! Now we feel more confident to disperse certain things before they get out of hand.”

SB: “Rochelle’s calm and supportive approach really hit the mark. Her understanding of not just children but parenting too helped us to devise fresh solutions to some of the challenges we faced. I’d recommend her to everyone.”

FN: “To any other parent thinking of having your help: within 24hrs of your home visit I had my son sleeping contentedly on his own, and I generally feel more in control of my baby’s development. Rochelle has such a natural and gentle way with children and I highly recommend her to every exhausted Mum or Dad!”

ZH: “I can’t recommend Rochelle enough. I found her service to be so very helpful and great value for money. Her consultation and service is bespoke, so all the advice and tools that she shared with me are specific to the issues I was having with my 16 month old son, and for his development needs at this stage. She has a very gentle and and calm presence, which I found really reassuring. Plus she seems really non-judgmental in her attitude. She observes and then advises us what we can do differently to cater for our very boisterous, and I would say challenging, toddler. Rochelle gave us lots of useful key phrases and ideas to help us react to challenging behaviours (for example biting), plus lots of ideas to help stimulate and better entertain J. She also recommended many types of toys and activities for his age. Her service is such good value because you get all of this expert advice in person and then in comprehensive notes with extra tips following the sessions. Rochelle gives you access to aftercare support too within her packages, which is really helpful and reassuring as I know the help is still there while I need it.”

SA: “Firstly I would like to thank Rochelle for the massive difference she has made in our child’s life and ours! It was a massive step to take asking for help as at times you feel like you are a failure as a parent, but Rochelle came along and really changed that for us. Rochelle came highly recommended by another couple of mothers I know and she really did live up to her reputation! From potty training, to dinner times, to going out with my child, to even simple commands that I was struggling with before, these areas are so much easier to deal with. Rochelle helped give us the tools to be able to overcome any frustration for both our child and us as a family unit. Thank you again Rochelle for giving us the tools to be able to have a balance. All this was done in a very calm manner, Rochelle really did make us feel so relaxed and you can’t help but admire and be influenced by her calmness and the strength that she spreads. I highly recommend Rochelle and would love to shout out to the world about her!”

PS: “It has been great to have Rochelle come in and have a holistic look at family routines. Her advice has been really useful in promoting our children’s independence across the board, helping to take our focus off the toileting issue and to promote independence more broadly. Her advice made lots of sense and she gave it in an encouraging and empowering way. We’d definitely recommend her!”

HC: “My children took to Rochelle the minute she walked through the door. She was sensitive not just to the needs for our children, but took into consideration our needs as parents and how these impacted on the children. She was very astute, sensitive and practical with her approach and advice. We had lost our way somewhat but she has given us our confidence back and was the voice we very much needed. She is unbelievably good value, and I cannot recommend her highly enough!”

AL: “We had been struggling for some months with some of our son’s behaviour, how best to deal with that and how to help him. I know Rochelle anyway, through her amazing Montessori groups, so was keen to get her help through a parent consultation. After completing a questionnaire, she came to our home and spent time with us, making suggestions on how we could improve the situation. The results have been immediate! Not only is the household calmer and happier, but we are no longer stressed, we feel more empowered about our parenting and, most importantly, our son is a lot happier. I cannot recommend Rochelle enough, she is calm, helpful, kind, caring and knows exactly what she’s doing!”

AE: “The change in my son’s behaviour has really been quite amazing… He seems so much more content and I haven’t heard him say, ” I can’t do it” in a few days now – he used to say that all the time…  He seems to be so much less clingy and more independent already…  Thank you again for all your advice.  I’m very excited by all the changes and amazed by how much of a difference it has made in just a few days!”

NJ: “Anyone having issues with their children’s behaviour at home could benefit from a visit from Rochelle. She is so calm and effective. She highlighted the likely causes of the behaviours and how to manage and avoid them. And it really works! Thank you so much Rochelle.”

SR: “Rochelle is so passionate and knowledgeable about ensuring little people get the best start in life, as well as helping parents to cope with the children stresses. I had heard of Montessori before but didn’t know what the approach was. I’m sure anyone using Rochelle’s service will find it rewarding and well worth every penny.”

TC: “Thanks so much for everything. This morning was the first time ever that my son has woken up in his own room. We were all so happy! Thank you for being such a clearly caring and warm person.”

PD: “We had tried all sorts of sleep training methods and I’d reached a point of desperation and no longer knew what I was doing. I was at my wits end with stress… Rochelle came round for a home consultation where we talked through all the problems we were having. She stayed to watch and help me through our bedtime routine. She advised on the need for consistency, especially until a routine was in place. Two days in and we have already made huge steps… Rochelle is only a phone call away and is still supporting us through this. I can’t recommend her enough.”

AK: “I can’t thank Rochelle enough for all her help and support she gave us in getting my 4 year old son to listen and behave more. Within 10 minutes of our first meeting she was able to pinpoint what the problems were, and to share a plan about to fix them.”

DB: “Rochelle is a total miracle worker as far as I’m concerned! I would highly recommend her to anyone with parenting and/or sleep issues. She is so knowledgeable and her approach makes total sense where she is always happy to go the extra mile and it all seems so effortless! Our home is much more peaceful and my 3 & 5 year old boys play together so nicely and so much more independent play, when previously they would fight all the time and never listened. They are now so much happier and so am I!”

NW: “I cannot believe what a difference to our family life Rochelle has made. All our lives were being held ransom by our lovely but frustrated 3 year old. Tantrums lasting over an hour each were ruining every day… She explained in a very simple way how they were feeling and how their development changed how we needed to talk to them. Our home life has been transformed!”

SP: “With Rochelle’s help almost immediately we saw a change in our little girl. Not only is she happier, but Rochelle’s suggestions have enriched our family life, and have allowed us to enjoy both our little charges at a time of change, adjustment, and sleep deprivation!  The success in Rochelle’s approach lies in her huge respect for the child and their ability.”

AE: “I am so pleased I got in touch with Rochelle. She is very knowledgeable and completely non-judgmental. It was so helpful to get someone else’s perspective. Her advice was very practical and gentle and we have benefited greatly from our sessions with her.”

EJ: “I have had some one-to-one parenting support from Rochelle and, as promised, she was very kind, understanding and non-judgmental… I would seriously recommend to anyone who ever stands there amidst the lego and washing up thinking “there has to be an easier way to get my 5 year old kid to get his pants on”. There is. Call Rochelle.”

BC: “Thank you for the one-to-one consultation. We found it extremely helpful & useful and it’s opened up a world of possibilities for us to teach our 12 month old daughter – independence, self-sufficiency, discipline, communication, language and so much more using day-to-day household routines. I am amazed with how much can be learnt at home.”

ST: “Rochelle’s knowledge of children, child development and children’s learning clearly come through in her support to parents.  She is incredibly enthusiastic, kind, encouraging and clear in her direction and advice. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Rochelle.”

AG: “Within minutes of Rochelle arriving it became obvious that our 2 year old son had transitioned from baby to toddler suddenly without us even noticing and we were still treating him as though he was a baby rather than a curious toddler with an fair amount of understanding of what we are saying. We have… the confidence now to stand back more and let him complete tasks on his own without our ‘help’. The very next day after the session Rochelle emailed us four pages of notes reinforcing what was said during the consultation session, which was very helpful as it is easy to quickly forget what is said (especially when combatting long-term sleep deprivation!)”

MC: “Thank you very much for the advice and support at the [Cambridge] parents’ workshop. Thank you also for the Montessori book recommendations; they were very helpful and we really enjoy them.”

MK: “Your advice last time helped me tremendously! I have used the technique of discussing our expectations prior to entering the supermarket and it worked straight away. I can now go to the supermarket with no problems with my son. I also stopped using the naughty step method, replacing it with a firm discussion when something is not right and an explanation at his level and things improved considerably… I have found myself more able to do things and be more patient with my son than before.”

JS: “My friends and I recently attended one of Rochelle’s Aid to Life sessions – fantastic. If you ever stop and wonder “why does he do that… why won’t he listen… how do I deal with the tantrums… how can I get him to go to sleep… etc. etc.” then this is for you! It was such an enlightening evening; Rochelle listens and gives you clear and sensible advice on how to deal with such problems. Like having your very own supernanny! The advice she has given me on tantrums, sleeping issues and eating has worked very effectively.”

SP: “I thought last night was amazing and so did my friends! Extremely helpful to talk in a group and a great simple format with the DVD. My friend and I went home and tried out one of the things you suggested about involving the children in daily chores [Practical Life activities] and my goodness, what a difference it makes.”

CC: “I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions on Independence and Language. I thought both classes were fantastic and am recommending them to my friends!  The open discussion was very useful, as hearing other peoples issues / concerns / experiences is always very interesting and helpful.  And the practical tips and ideas you shared on what to do with the children were brilliant!”

PM: “It was very interesting to the point that I already took all your comments on board and already saw a change in my son. It was also a nice opportunity to meet mums and to share our experiences.”

SF: “I really enjoyed last night.  I thought at the time it was ‘obvious’ (to me anyway) however when I talked to my husband about the evening there were lots of things I wasn’t doing that I could do.”

LM: “Really interesting and useful, I’m already applying most things with my son.”