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Montessori Toys for Newborn Babies

Here are my essentials for calm, happy newborns:


Montessori Topponcino: newborn baby mattress

The Topponcino is one of my favourite Montessori creations for newborns.

  • It is a soft, portable, cotton mattress that allows your newborn to feel safe and supported in all situations.
  • Perfect for sleep, play, watching the world go by, and developing bonds with siblings, family and friends.
  • When your child starts at nursery, the topponcino can be used as a comforter for nap time too.
  • The first few months of life are easiest with calmness, consistency and comfort, so the topponcino is the perfect addition to your home. Buy one here, or buy two so you can rotate them when one’s in the wash!

Baby Mobiles 0-3 Months:

Baby mobiles 0-3 months

This set of 4 Visual Baby Mobiles are fantastic for helping your baby develop their eyesight and focused concentration. Place your baby on the floor and let them watch the mobiles gently moving in the breeze. Allow them plenty of time for this important work without interruptions.Use this playtime to relax with a cuppa and develop your own observation skills watching your amazing newborn!

  1. The black and white Munari mobile is suitable from birth. Your newborn will love watching the contrasting shapes moving gently, strengthening their eye muscles and developing visual tracking.
  2. The Octahedron mobile has 3 primary colours to develop your baby’s visual sense from 1-3 months. The octahedrons are 3-dimensional to help your child explore shape and colour in a brand new way.
  3. The Dancers mobile has shiny papers that help your baby discover detail and texture from 2-4 months. The dancers twirl around to support their tracking skills and focus even more.
  4. The Gobbi mobile has 5 knitted balls graded from dark to light. This helps your baby further refine their visual discrimination of colour and soon they will be reaching out with their hands to try and touch the balls. This will be your cue to order the next set of tactile mobiles.

Other mobiles I really love are:

Swallows Baby Mobile

Baby mobile: swallows

Hot Air Balloons Baby Mobile

Baby mobile: hot air balloons

Flowing Rhythm Rainbow Baby Mobile

Baby mobile: flowing rhythm rainbow

Wooden Mobile Stand

Wooden baby mobile floor stand

The best time for your baby to explore these mobiles is after they have slept, fed and had a fresh nappy.

Then it’s time to move their topponcino to the floor under a mobile stand and let them watch their mobile for as long as they like.

  • Place your baby in a different position each time they have this playtime: behind the stand so they can focus forwards, facing the opposite direction, slightly to the left, slightly to the right.
  • Each time they will gain a new perspective! You will give them more experiences using the same toy, extending their enjoyment and its use even further.

Books to enjoy together

Newborn babies love looking at books as long as they have high contrasting colours and are presented along with cuddles! Here are some of my favourites for a gentle introduction to reading together:

Black, white and red:

Montessori baby book: 0-3 months