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Montessori in the Home

Family Mentoring Days: New for 2024

I’m super excited to announce the launch of my new Family Mentoring Days! These special 8-hour Family Mentoring Days are the perfect next step for families after an initial 2-hour Consultation. You’ll receive dedicated 121 home support, with me there to guide you throughout the day. You’ll say exactly the…

Montessori Positive Parenting Course: Exclusive Reading Group

Join our NEW exclusive, interactive reading group: starting at 1pm on Sunday 28th January 2024 LIVE on Facebook! Discover my Montessori Positive Parenting Course alongside other like-minded families – and me! Each week I’ll email you two PDF lessons from the course and read through them LIVE to our private…

What is Montessori?

I am often asked what makes something ‘Montessori’ so I have written this blog to describe the main points. I hope this information helps you create a wonderful home or classroom environment for the children! Read on to find out What is Montessori and I would love to hear your…

Montessori Tutoring in Essex

Montessori English and Maths tutoring is interactive, inclusive, effective and fun! Are you concerned about your child’s understanding of Literacy or Maths? Would you like to find gentle support to help them feel more confident in these subjects? Do you want them to develop a sense of joyful learning? Do…

Featured again by Baan Dek Montessori!

I’m honoured to have been featured once again by the wonderful Baan Dek Montessori. The focus this time is on my plans for online parenting courses and hopes for new interactive AMI Montessori training for teachers. The first courses will be on Positive Discipline and Simple Language & Maths Techniques.…