I’m honoured to have been featured once again by the wonderful Baan Dek Montessori. The focus this time is on my plans for online parenting courses and hopes for new interactive AMI Montessori training for teachers. The first courses will be on Positive Discipline and Simple Language & Maths Techniques.…
Online Parenting Courses Coming Soon!
I can hardly believe we’re almost half way through 2017 and it turns out my last blog post was months ago! As you may know, I accepted a new role running an Infant Community at Cambridge Montessori School late in 2016. Plus, we moved to Braintree in Essex in March…
Toddler Water Activities
I’m so excited to be featured on the amazing www.howwemontessori.com blog! “Today we have Rochelle from I Can Do It Montessori presenting some toddler water activities. Rochelle is an experienced Montessori guide. I love taking a peek into her classroom. These are more than play activities they are valuable, practical…
What are the benefits of our Montessori classes for your child?
Our Montessori classes are very different to other groups for toddlers, but why? Parents often ask me why our classes are different to others? Here I’ll explain some of the benefits of our unique Montessori activities and why our sessions are so fantastic for your child’s development. Read on to…
How to understand your child better
Do you want to understand your child better, to find out why they behave as they do and how you can respond better to them? I’ve written this post to help you gain a clearer understanding of what’s going on in your child’s mind, using Maria Montessori’s theories and observations.…
Brushing Teeth, Nappy Changes & Avoiding Power Struggles
I found a fantastic post by Dr. Therese O’Sullivan on Kate Russell’s RIE website the other day and thought it would be perfect to share with you all. RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) principles are very similar to those of Montessori – basically: respect, kindness, empathy and independence. These can…
Human dignity through independence
Any child who is self-sufficient, who can tie his shoes, dress or undress himself, reflects in his joy and sense of achievement the image of human dignity, which is derived from a sense of independence. – Dr. Maria Montessori I love this quote because it illustrates precisely why we value…
What kind of toys will we have for babies?
Are you wondering what kind of toys we will have for babies from 0-11 months? Here’s a sneak preview! For 0-6 months: For 4-11 months: Some of our beautiful mobiles for 0-4 months: We’ll also be running material-making workshops later this year so you can learn how to make mobiles,…
Top 10 Tips for a Happy Home
Do you ever wonder how to get your child to listen to you, do what they’re asked and still retain their natural spontaneity and inquisitive nature? Would you like them to confide in you, respect your family boundaries and make good choices throughout their life? These 10 tips will help…
Save Your Sanity! Make Time for Self-Care
Do you make time for yourself every day? Is there a quiet time before your children are awake or after they are asleep – time without mobiles, TV or other distractions? Do you dedicate 5-30 minutes to putting yourself first, just for a short while? Parenting is a constant challenge…